
Friday, September 05, 2008


D value of life does not depend upon d length of time on this earth but rather on d amount of love given & shared to d people we care...


Live life such tht u can cherish it 4ever because life is not measured by d breath we take but by d moments tht take our breath away..


Lovely roses n lovely u & lovely r d things u do..

but d loveliest is d friendship of d 2..

one is me & d other is u...


Silence is d fence around wisdom..

if ur foot slips..u can always regain ur balance..

but if ur tongue slips..u can never recall d words..


Every problem in life carries a gift inside it..

so wenever u lose something..dont get upset..

because sometimes u get more than wat u have lost..


No one can ever promise tht they wont hurt u coz it will happen at one point or another..

d real promise is tht d time u spent 2gether will be worth d pain in d end...


Friends like you are rare indeed..

they shine just like a star and words alone can hardly say,

how wonderful and special you are...

For when the world turns cold and life is difficult to bear its comforting to know,

you will....forever be there


Its hard 2 wait on something u know might never happen..

but its even harder 2 give it up..

wen u know its d everything u wanted in ur life..


Hardwork is like a staircase & luck ia like a lift..

a lift may fail sometimes but watever may b d situation stairs will always get u to d top..


Wen daylights turns to a darkened hue..

d lovely stars hinting at u..ur heartbeat tells u something true...

tht some1 somewhere is remembering u..